Bifurcations of periodic orbits in the Generalised Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation Ravindra I. Bandara, Andrus Giraldo, Neil G. R. Broderick & Bernd Krauskopf Journal of Computational DynamicsEarly Access, 2024.
Bifurcation analysis of complex switching oscillations in a Kerr microring resonator Rodrigues D. Bitha, Andrus Giraldo, Neil G. R. Broderick & Bernd Krauskopf Physical Review E 108:064204, 2023.
Pulse-adding of temporal dissipative solitons: resonant homoclinic points and the orbit flip of case B with delay Andrus Giraldo, & Stefan Ruschel Nonlinearity 36:7105-7141, 2023.
Generalized and multi-oscillation solitons in the nonlinear Schrödinger equation with quartic dispersion Ravindra I. Bandara, Andrus Giraldo, Neil G. R. Broderick & Bernd Krauskopf Chaos 33:07315, 2023.
Restoring the reciprocity invariance in nonlinear systems with broken mirror symmetry Andrus Giraldo & Behrooz Yousefzadeh Extreme Mechanics Letters 61:102008, 2023.
Chaotic switching in driven-dissipative Bose-Hubbard dimers: when a flip bifurcation meets a T-point in R4 Andrus Giraldo, Neil G. R. Broderick & Bernd Krauskopf Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems – Series B 27(7):4023-4075, 2022.
Spontaneous symmetry breaking in a coherently driven nanophotonic Bose-Hubbard dimer Bruno Garbin, Andrus Giraldo, Kevin J. H. Peters, Neil G. R. Broderick, A. Spakman, Fabrice Raineri, Ariel Levenson, Said R. K. Rodriguez, Bernd Krauskopf & Alejandro M. Yacomotti Physical Review Letters 128(5):053901, 2022.
Semiclassical bifurcations and quantum trajectories: a case study of the open Bose-Hubbard dimer Andrus Giraldo, Stuart J. Mason, Neil G. R. Broderick & Bernd Krauskopf The European Physical Journal – Special Topics 231:385–401, 2022.
Infinitely many multipulse solitons of different symmetry types in the nonlinear Schrödinger equation with quartic dispersion Ravindra I. Bandara, Andrus Giraldo, Neil G. R. Broderick & Bernd Krauskopf Physical Review A 103(6):063514, 2021.
Superradiant switching, quantum hysteresis, and oscillations in a generalized Dicke model Kevin Stitely, Stuart J. Mason, Andrus Giraldo, Bernd Krauskopf & Scott Parkins Physical Review A 102(6):063702, 2020.
Computing connecting orbits to infinity associated with a homoclinic flip bifurcation Andrus Giraldo, Bernd Krauskopf & Hinke M. Osinga Journal on Computational Dynamics 7(2): 489-510, 2020.
The driven-dissipative Bose-Hubbard dimer: phase diagram and chaos Andrus Giraldo, Bernd Krauskopf, Neil G. R. Broderick, Juan A. Levenson & Alejandro M. Yacomotti New Journal of Physics22:043009, 2020.
Cascades of global bifurcations and chaos near a homoclinic flip bifurcation: a case study Andrus Giraldo, Bernd Krauskopf & Hinke M. Osinga SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems17(4):2784-2829, 2018.
Saddle invariant objects and their global manifolds in a neighborhood of a homoclinic flip bifurcation of case B Andrus Giraldo, Bernd Krauskopf & Hinke M. Osinga SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems16(1):640-686, 2017.
The electrical activity of cardiac tissue via finite element method Jairo Villegas, Andrus Giraldo, Edgar Rodríguez & Fabio Castellanos Advanced Studies in Theoretical Physics 6(20):995-1003, 2012.
Comparison on the estimation of the biomass of a batch bioreactor through Fuzzy Systems, Neural Networks and Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System Andrus Giraldo & Olga L. Quintero International Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial IntelligenceTAAI, 2011.